Shard#8: do you wanna be in love

Cal W. S.
1 min readJul 14, 2022


Do you wanna be in love again
in love again with me
‘cos every time I look at you
I know what I want to be

Do you wanna be in love again
is it now the right time
we’ve been orbiting for so long
I’ll be yours and you be mine

Do you wanna be in love again
it’s you that I want most
the space between wears me down
I long to pull you close

Do you wanna be in love again
I know then I got it wrong
no doubt I’ll make mistakes again
but for us I’ll be strong

Do you wanna be in love again
all you need to do is say
we don’t ever have to look back
it could all start today

Do you wanna be in love again
while our family is young
we can fix the household
before the setting sun

Do you wanna be in love again
as summer comes from spring
can new life still bring forth new love
does all this mean anything

Do you wanna be in love again
in love again for life
four whole lifetimes we’ve lived through
yet here, you’re still my wife



Cal W. S.

I write short stories, lyrics without songs, talk about music and mental health and share photography. “I speak that ugly elegant”